Choose the Right Colours for Your Stickers

Generally, colour adds a huge factor in how we perceive things, such as stickers, labels, bumper stickers, and so on. Without it, everything will seem so different and dark. Thus, it is a significant step in any design process. When the right colour is used, it indeed drives attention and can be used to guide the viewer’s eyes. It is very important as such it increases enjoyment and stands out in your designs. 

Nonetheless, applying colours must be decided properly and is carefully studied. Having too many colours in your design can cause to become unattractive and more difficult for people to look at your designs. So, when applying, it should be done in a balanced way. 

According to researches, when starting your design process, choose a palette of 4 or 5 colours that can be used together throughout your designs. This will definitely ensure that all of your designs in this certain brand, such as custom stickers, will have a consistent look and feel. 

When picking your palette, always consider the emotions and reactions that are associated with certain colours. For instance, red is normally inspires an energetic feeling. Green, on the other hand, connects a feeling that is tranquil and natural. Colour such as black, white, gray is considered neutral tones or earth tones. Using these kinds of colours can be very effective. 

Keep these few tips in mind before you start creating your next design, and if you happen to want your design to be printed, you now choose a printing company that can help you with your printing needs. This type of marketing tool is very convenient and affordable especially for small businesses and these are only a few of the benefits of custom made stickers. Together with your color preference and ideas for custom sticker you are now ready to increase  your brand awareness. 


  1. When you're already done choosing your colors for your stickers, check to this blog as to why bumper stickers are the best need for your business!



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